Showing posts with label modern artists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label modern artists. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Artist Feature: Kelly Morgen

Welcome to the new blog! This new adventure in blogging will take the previous outlet on Tumblr to a larger blog format where I can write in depth with more information. It took a lot of planning and decision making to go forward with it but I hope you all will like the content featured here!

For the first post of this blog I would like to introduce you to the fine jewelry creations of Kelly Morgen. I recently discovered her work online and was thrilled upon finding it.

"Goddess of the Stars" by Kelly Morgen (©Kelly Morgen)

Kelly is an artist based on the West Coast of the U.S. who studied metalsmithing abroad in Europe. She works with precious metals (sterling silver, 18k gold), natural stones, enamel, cloisonné and recycled piano keys to craft amazing pendants and pieces that are out of this world beautiful. She finds inspiration from the Art Nouveau movement and her flowing, organic designs embody the female and floral motifs found in many artworks of that era.

She is of a select few people who have had the honor to gain approval of Mucha's family and heirs to create works that are officially licensed with the Mucha family name.

As an introduction to her and her work, I have paraphrased the bio on her official website. For more about her beginnings, read on....


"The Fairy Bower" by Kelly Morgen (©Kelly Morgen)

Kelly grew up in a family that appreciated art and art nouveau. She recalls that while growing up, her house had Mucha prints (her father loved Mucha) and other various posters of beautiful art. She pursued her various artistic talents like painting throughout high school and later went to Williams College in Massachusetts. After studying abroad in Italy she discovered a metalmsithing class for beginners and it was, "love at first sawblade". She spent a year apprenticing in Italy under the direction of a master goldsmith.

"Astrea" by Kelly Morgen (©Kelly Morgen)

After her apprenticeship she studied silversmithing in the state of Montana with a Cherokee shaman. This period of study gave her insight on how to create jewelry that told a story and was also symbolic as well.

In 2015 Kelly attended a metalsmithing program in London where she later became an official licensed jeweler of the Alphonse Mucha family name.

"Pele" by Kelly Morgen (©Kelly Morgen)

Her work was included alongside the art exhibit "Alphonse Mucha: Quest for Beauty" which traveled the world. Kelly's work has been published and exhibited in many collections and is in the private collections of renown authors and creators.

"Goddess of the Iris" by Kelly Morgen (©Kelly Morgen)

With artists like Kelly Morgen the art nouveau style will be kept alive and thriving. Artists, whether they are jewelery designers, painters or sculptors, have a unique contribution to the movement and Kelly is a part of that special group.

You can follow Kelly on Facebook, Instagram, or visit her official website to purchase or view her pieces.

Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us all!

(All images have been used with permission...thanks!)

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